Today we will be learning how to create a telegram bot and host it on heroku.Prerequisites
- A telegram account (duh!)
- Some experience with Python (for adding more features to the bot)
- A Heroku account -- Sign up here!
- A GitHub account -- Sign up here!
Create a telegram bot using Father Bot
- Search for @BotFather on Telegram
- Send message /newbot
- The bot will reply asking for a name for the bot, send whatever you like
- Next we have to chose a username for the bot, this must be unique and must end with bot. Example - testbot, telebot
- If the username is not unique, it will ask to enter again.
- That is it! You will receive a congrats message with a link and a token (copy paste it somewhere!)
- Your bot is right now dead and won't respond back :(, it needs a back-end server that is where Heroku comes in.
Deploying on Heroku
- Thanks to Kylmakalle, we have a good starter pack for Heroku telegram bot.
- Head over to and follow the instructions there.
- The starter pack python script has zero features. You can use to add features (be sure to check out their wiki pages for documentation)
- That's it! Your bot is now alive :)
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