What you will need for VIPER4Android: The App itself: You can download the latest official APK of VIPER4Android here: Alternatively, a direct link is usually common: The APK to download for your version of Android is clearly marked - make sure you get the right one. IRS Impulse Response Sample files - this is where the magic happens: I’m providing a zip file containing some “Dolby IRS” files I use and that works very well - download and extract this: https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Bw4IPFHUFpo7M0tDaklueHRibXM/view?usp=sharing There are other IRS files available (search XDA Developers forums) and once you’ve placed the folder on your device to put them all in (I’ll explain that later) you can simply put the .irs files in that folder and try them out to see how they affect the sound output. See here for more IRS files to try out: http://forum.xda-developers.com/showthread.php?t=2191223 http://forum.xda-devel...
Instagram is one of the most popular and widely used social app where people share pictures and connect with others.Instagram is free to use and its User interface is very simple and attractive at the same time.You can sign up for instagram or separately or you can use your facebook Credentials to sign in into Instagram. Instagram is very easy to use and sometimes or after a while it is always recommended to change your password and changing password regularly is good for keeping your account safe from being hacked. Keeping your Instagram account updated and changing its password often is good way to make sure that your Instagram account is secure and safe. Below We have covered the method to change Instagram password on your android as well as iphone step by step with screenshots to explain you the procedure in detailed manner and it will be easy for you to understand. How To Change Instagram Password Explained - Step 1 : Open Instagram app or go t...